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Calibrated eni cdv-700 6B geiger counter.... more

1. ENI CD V-700 6B geiger counter in absolutely great condition....inside and out. This is a new-surplus instrument that is in close to pristine condition for you Cold War collectors. It appears as though it just rolled off the factory major scratches or major flaws....unless you use a magnifying glass for a detailed inspection. More importantly, it functions flawlessly and with amazing accuracy, considering this is a Civil Defense geiger counter. It has been thoroughly tested....a burn-in test in which it was left on for 4 consecutive hours while placed next to a source of Cs-137. The needle did not drift, except for fluctuations due to 'normal' background radiation, which is to be expected. The unit also responded with accurate readings when measuring specimens of thorium, uranium, cerium, carnotite, autunite, cyrtolite and trinitite. Internal components were inspected, and tested where feasible, and all tests were passed. This unit was professionally calibrated within the past 2 weeks, using an Eberline MP-2 Pulser calibrator and a Cesium-137 secondary calibrator. Photo # 4 shows my cluttered electronics bench, where I do tests and replace old components with new ones.
2. Test-Sources...Included will be a small uranium mineral sample which will help you learn to use your new geiger counter. In addition, I will include a 'relic' of the "Trinity Test" which happened at 5:29 AM on July 16, 1945.....the first nuclear explosion in history. One of the by-products of the Trinity Test is Trinitite...New Mexico sand turned into a green, glass-like substance by the tremendous heat of the explosion. Trinitite is almost impossible to obtain today. In addition, I will include a small part of a vintage Fiesta Ware dish. Early Fiesta Ware contained uranium oxide in the glaze, which is very apparent when you test it with this geiger counter. This unit will also detect the uranium used in the making of original Vaseline dinnerware and glass. It will easily discriminate between true and fake Vaseline glass at flea markets and antique shops.
While I have the microphone, I ask that we remember our troops who are in harm's way, their families back home and our veterans, many of whom have no homes. Also, due to the current state of world affairs, the sale of this instrument is limited to the U.S. and Canada. Let's pray 'It' doesn't happen, but having a calibrated geiger counter is a first step in protecting yourself and your family.
This geiger counter will detect 'fission type' nuclear bombs, 'fussion type' (hydrogen thermonuclear bombs) and 'dirty nuclear bombs' which are of great concern today. 'Dirty nuclear bombs' do not create a nuclear explosion, but rather consist of a conventional explosive (such as TNT, C-4) which spreads radioactive isotopes which are rich in gamma radiation. This is our main concern today, since terrorists would have little trouble obtaining gamma producing isotopes. The mortality rate from such a 'dirty nuke' would probably be small, but the terror created by such a device is exactly what terrorists hope to achieve. I am not claiming this instrument will distinguish which type of radiation-producing bomb has been detonated, but when the needle 'pegs the meter' on the X100 scale, you know that something has happened that is not healthy for you or your family and it is time to tune in to your 'Emergency Broadcast Channel.'
For you rock-hounds, this geiger counter is super-sensitive, sensitive enought to detect trace amounts of uranium in your rock samples. I've sold many to Scrap Metal Yards who find this unit useful for detecting radioactive oil field pipeline and other radioactive metals.
To contact me directly, feel free to phone me at (***)-534-3180 (afternoons or before 9:00pm Central time...ask for Doc) or e-mail me at **** Please note....I do not repair geiger counters (except those I sell). For a reputable repair service, try at (***)-672-8734. Their repair and calibration services are the best I've seen. Also, be sure to check out their 'high range' meters. I might be biased...I had the pleasure of working at KI4U....repairing and calibrating geiger counters. I have over 30 years of experience in electronic instrumentation....across a wide variety of scientific disciplines.
Many thanks! Doc and Opal Davis...Davis GeoSciences.
P.S. All of my ENI units are in the same pristine condition as the one in the photos. However, I no longer add the extra audio jack that can be seen above the original audio jack in the photos. But the original audio jack and headphone work just fine. Some collectors of cold war memorabilia pointed out that adding this extra headphone jack ruined the appearance (and value) of an otherwise beautiful instrument.

Calibrated eni cdv-700 6B geiger counter.... more Calibrated eni cdv-700 6B geiger counter.... more Calibrated eni cdv-700 6B geiger counter.... more Calibrated eni cdv-700 6B geiger counter.... more Calibrated eni cdv-700 6B geiger counter.... more Calibrated eni cdv-700 6B geiger counter.... more